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Is it healthy to eat eggs every day. What new researches say
Are eggs healthy and can they be eaten every day?
Author: Yulia Vasilenko, Health Coach, sports nutritionist
Eggs are one of the products that periodically gets on the list of “harmful”. I decided to talk about it in a detailed article.
The number of people with eating disorders is increasing after COVID-19
Transferred COVID-19 significantly affects the attitude to food. There is a prolonged lack of appetite (up to 6 months), consumption of small amounts of food and as a result of lack of vitamins and minerals, loss of a significant percentage of muscle mass.
How to make a healthy diet your habit
Many people are interested in how to make healthy eating a habit. The periods when we start to eat in a balanced way, then we give up – they happen all the time. There are several reasons for this.
How always be resourceful
How always be resourceful and full of energy? This is one of the popular queries.